Cov txheej txheem:

10 thawj lub taub taub hau ntawm Jamie Oliver
10 thawj lub taub taub hau ntawm Jamie Oliver

Ci ntsa iab, qab zib kua zaub, lub qhov ncauj-watering pasta, qab muffins thiab lwm yam inventions ntawm tus kws ua zaub mov ingenious.

10 thawj lub taub taub hau ntawm Jamie Oliver
10 thawj lub taub taub hau ntawm Jamie Oliver

1. Ci nqaij qaib mis nrog taub dag

Pumpkin tais: Ci nqaij qaib mis nrog taub dag
Pumpkin tais: Ci nqaij qaib mis nrog taub dag

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 nqaij qaib mis nrog daim tawv nqaij;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • 2 sprigs ntawm marjoram los yog oregano;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • ½ kua txob liab;
  • ¼ taub dag;
  • 3-4 tablespoons qaub cream;
  • av nutmeg - mus saj;
  • ib co txiv roj roj.

Kev npaj

RUB lub mis nrog ntsev, kua txob thiab tws marjoram los yog oregano nplooj. Tev lub chili thiab txiav mus rau hauv nyias slices. Hloov cov nqaij qaib mus rau qhov chaw ntawm lub tais ci thiab nphoo nrog kua txob.

Txiav lub taub dag rau hauv nyias slices thiab faib lawv nyob ib ncig ntawm lub mis qaib. Ncuav lub cream tshaj lub taub dag thiab lub caij nrog nutmeg, ntsev thiab kua txob.

Sprinkle cov khoom xyaw nrog roj thiab ci ntawm 200 ° C rau 25-35 feeb. Nqaij qaib yuav tsum ci thiab taub dag yuav tsum mos.

Cook Like Jamie Oliver: 6 Ingenious Chicken Dishes →

2. Pumpkin cream kua zaub nrog cheese croutons

Pumpkin Dishes: Pumpkin Cream Soup nrog Cheese Croutons
Pumpkin Dishes: Pumpkin Cream Soup nrog Cheese Croutons

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 2 liab dos;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 4 cloves qej;
  • 2 celery stalks;
  • 2 sprigs ntawm rosemary;
  • ½ - 1 liab kua txob;
  • ob peb tablespoons roj txiv roj;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 1 taub dag (txog 2 kg);
  • 2 liv ntawm nqaij qaib los yog zaub broth;
  • 1 cibatta;
  • parmesan - mus saj;
  • ob peb sage nplooj yog xaiv tau.

Kev npaj

Txiav cov dos, carrots, qej thiab celery rau hauv me me cubes. Sib tov cov rosemary thiab chili noob.

Tshav ib co roj nyob rau hauv ib tug loj skillet los yog saucepan. Fry cov khoom xyaw npaj rau hauv nws li 10 feeb kom txog thaum muag muag. Lub caij nrog ntsev thiab kua txob.

Tev lub taub dag thiab noob thiab txiav mus rau hauv random pieces. Ntxiv taub dag thiab broth rau zaub, coj mus rau ib tug boil thiab simmer rau li 30 feeb tshaj li cua sov. Thaum lub taub dag yog kev sib tw, puree lub kua zaub nrog ib tug blender.

Txiav lub khob cij rau hauv slices, txhuam nrog butter thiab nias rau hauv txhua grated cheese. Fry nyob rau hauv ib tug qhuav skillet kom txog thaum Golden xim av ntawm ob sab.

Rau garnish, koj tuaj yeem npaj crispy sage nplooj. Nyob rau hauv ib lub skillet tshaj medium tshav kub, sov ib co roj thiab Fry nplooj rau li 30 vib nas this. Tom qab ntawd hloov mus rau daim ntawv phuam kom tshem tawm cov roj ntau dhau.

Lub caij lub kua zaub nrog ntsev thiab kua txob yog tias tsim nyog. Garnish nrog croutons thiab sage nplooj ua ntej noj thiab maj mam drizzle nrog txiv roj roj.

11 cov kua zaub qab qab nrog champignons, taub dag, broccoli thiab ntau dua →

3. Grilled nqaij nyuj nrog ci taub dag

Pumpkin Dishes: Grilled Beef with Ci Pumpkin
Pumpkin Dishes: Grilled Beef with Ci Pumpkin

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 taub dag (li 1-1½ kg);
  • 4 cloves qej;
  • ob peb tablespoons roj txiv roj;
  • 1 pawg thyme
  • 1 teaspoon paprika;
  • 1 ½ kg nqaij nyuj fillet;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 1 qej.

Kev npaj

Peel thiab noob taub dag. Txiav lub pulp mus rau hauv loj cubes thiab qhov chaw nrog unpeeled qej on ib daim ntawv ci.

Drizzle nrog ib co ntawm cov roj, ntxiv yuav luag tag nrho cov thyme nplooj, sprinkle nrog paprika thiab do. Npog daim ntawv ci nrog ntawv ci thiab muab tso rau hauv qhov cub preheated rau 180 ° C rau li ib teev.

Txiav cov nqaij rau hauv 2 cm dav slices thiab RUB on tag nrho cov sab nrog ntsev thiab kua txob. Nyob rau hauv ib lub lauj kaub ci, sov cov roj tshaj kub kub. Muab cov nqaij tso rau hauv cov pob hauv lub lauj kaub thiab ua noj rau li 3 feeb ntawm txhua sab.

Fry lub finely tws dos nrog lub xeem batch. Sprinkle cov thyme seem tshuav tshaj cov steaks siav thiab pab nrog lub taub dag.

Yuav ua li cas ua noj steak zoo →

4. Ci pasta nrog taub dag thiab ricotta

Pumpkin Dishes: Ci Pasta nrog Pumpkin thiab Ricotta
Pumpkin Dishes: Ci Pasta nrog Pumpkin thiab Ricotta

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 taub dag (li 1 kg);
  • ob peb tablespoons roj txiv roj;
  • 2 cloves qej;
  • 1 pawg ntawm basil
  • 400 g ntawm tws txiv lws suav nyob rau hauv lawv tus kheej kua txiv;
  • 500 g penne (pasta nyob rau hauv daim ntawv ntawm cov hlab);
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 3 tablespoons ricotta;
  • 750 ml zaub broth;
  • 150 g mozzarella;
  • ib co parmesan;
  • ob peb sage nplooj.

Kev npaj

Peel thiab noob taub dag thiab txiav mus rau hauv me me cubes. Muab lawv tso rau ntawm daim ntawv ci, npog nrog roj thiab qhov chaw nyob rau hauv qhov cub preheated rau 200 ° C rau 15 feeb.

Chop lub qej rau hauv nyias slices thiab chop lub basil stalks. Thaum tshav kub kub ib co roj nyob rau hauv ib tug tob skillet thiab Fry lub basil stalks thiab qej rau ob peb feeb.

Teem lub txiv lws suav thiab coj mus rau ib tug boil, stirring Qee zaus. Ntxiv lub taub dag, coj mus rau ib lub boil dua thiab ua noj rau 10 feeb tshaj medium tshav kub.

Pov lub pasta hauv boiling salted dej thiab ua noj rau ob peb feeb tsawg tshaj li qhia rau ntawm pob. Tom qab ntawd ntws thiab hloov lub pasta mus rau ib lub skillet nrog lws suav sauce.

Ntxiv tws basil nplooj, ntsev, kua txob, ricotta thiab broth. Do thiab coj mus rau ib tug boil. Grease ib lub tais ci nrog roj thiab hloov cov ntsiab lus ntawm lub lauj kaub rau nws.

Tshaj tawm cov mozzarella slices, grated Parmesan thiab oiled sage nplooj rau saum. Ci lub pasta ntawm 200 ° C rau li 15 feeb.

10 pasta zaub mov txawv leej twg tuaj yeem lis →

5. Pumpkin yob nrog cheese thiab spinach

Pumpkin Dishes: Pumpkin Roll nrog Cheese thiab Spinach
Pumpkin Dishes: Pumpkin Roll nrog Cheese thiab Spinach

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 taub dag (1 kg);
  • ob peb tablespoons roj txiv roj;
  • ib pinch ntawm av chili;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 2 cloves qej;
  • 60 g tag nrho peeled almonds;
  • 1 teaspoon fennel noob
  • 6 qe;
  • 80 g parmesan;
  • 60 g gluten-dawb hmoov;
  • av nutmeg - mus saj;
  • 300 g ntawm spinach;
  • 100 g cheese tshis;
  • 150 g ntawm ricotta;
  • 1 txiv qaub;
  • 1 liab chili

Kev npaj

Tshem cov noob los ntawm taub dag thiab txiav mus rau hauv me me wedges. Muab tso rau ntawm ib daim ntawv ci, drizzle nrog ib co roj, sprinkle nrog chili, ntsev thiab kua txob dub thiab do.

Txiav cov qej nrog lub tiaj tiaj ntawm ib rab riam thiab ntxiv rau lub taub dag. Ci ntawm 190 ° C rau 45-60 feeb, kom txog thaum lub taub dag yog kev sib tw.

Meanwhile, preheat lub skillet tshaj medium tshav kub. Fry almonds, fennel noob thiab ntsev me ntsis rau nws rau 3-4 feeb kom txog thaum Golden xim av. Tom qab ntawd grind lawv nyob rau hauv ib tug mortar.

Tev lub taub dag thiab qej thiab puree lub pulp nrog ib tug blender. Cais cov yolks los ntawm cov dawb. Ntxiv grated parmesan, taub dag puree, hmoov, nutmeg, ntsev thiab kua txob rau lub yolks thiab do kom txog thaum tus.

Whisk cov dawb mus rau hauv ib tug dawb ua npuas ncauj thiab maj mam ncuav rau hauv lub taub dag mov paj. Kab ib daim ntawv ci txog 22 x 32 cm nrog parchment thiab kis lub khob noom cookie rau hauv ib txheej nyias. Ci ntawm 190 ° C rau li 15 feeb.

Tshav cov roj ntxiv rau hauv ib lub skillet tshaj nruab nrab kub thiab sauté spinach rau li 2 feeb. Txias, nyem tawm cov kua ntau dhau thiab chop cov zaub ntsuab nrog rab riam.

Muab tshis cheese, ricotta, kua txiv qaub, grated txiv qaub zest, noob thiab tws chili, ntsev thiab kua txob dub.

Maj mam tig lub taub taub ua tiav rau hauv daim ntawv huv ntawm parchment. Tshaj tawm cov cheese sib tov rau saum, txog 2 cm ntawm ntug ntev. Muab cov spinach thiab ib feem peb ntawm almond sib tov rau saum lub cheese.

Pib ntawm ntug ntev uas tsis muaj filling, maj mam yob lub ncuav mog qab zib rau hauv ib yob. Txiav nws mus rau hauv chunks thiab sprinkle nrog ntxiv almond sib tov ua ntej noj.

Yuav ua li cas ua noj taub dag: 7 qab thiab noj qab nyob zoo tais diav →

6. Ntsim kua zaub nrog taub dag, qaib ntxhw thiab mov

Pumpkin Dishes: Spicy Pumpkin, Qaib ntxhw thiab Rice Soup
Pumpkin Dishes: Spicy Pumpkin, Qaib ntxhw thiab Rice Soup

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 dos;
  • 2 cloves qej;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 300 g taub dag pulp;
  • 1 khob ntawm Ginger;
  • 1 tablespoon txiv roj roj
  • av chili - mus saj;
  • 1 tablespoon txiv lws suav muab tshuaj txhuam
  • 1 tablespoon curry muab tshuaj txhuam
  • 500 g ntawm boiled los yog ci qaib ntxhw;
  • 400 g ntawm tws txiv lws suav nyob rau hauv lawv tus kheej kua txiv;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 750 ml ntawm nqaij qaib broth;
  • 300 g basmati mov;
  • ob peb sprigs ntawm cilantro.

Kev npaj

Chop dos thiab qej rau hauv nyias slices, carrots rau hauv nyias slices thiab taub dag rau hauv me me cubes. Grate lub peeled Ginger on ib tug nplua grater.

Tshav roj nyob rau hauv ib tug tob skillet los yog saucepan tshaj medium tshav kub. Npaj cov dos, qej, carrots, qhiav thiab chili. Ua noj, nplawm qee zaus, kom txog thaum zaub yog kev sib tw thiab maj mam browned.

Ntxiv taub dag, lws suav muab tshuaj txhuam, curry thiab qaib ntxhw chunks thiab sib tov zoo. Tom qab ntawd ntxiv txiv lws suav, ntsev, kua txob thiab kub broth. Do, coj mus rau ib tug boil, txo tshav kub thiab simmer rau 15 feeb.

Ntxiv basmati thiab noj cov kua zaub kom txog thaum mov tiav. Yog tias koj xav tau cov kua zaub tsawg dua, siv cov nplej tsawg dua. Lub caij nrog ntsev thiab kua txob yog tias tsim nyog. Sprinkle tws cilantro hla lub kua zaub ua ntej noj.

Yuav ua li cas ua noj minestrone los ntawm qhov koj tuaj yeem pom hauv tsev →

7. Spicy ci taub dag nrog nqaij npuas kib

Pumpkin Dishes: Spicy Ci Pumpkin with Bacon
Pumpkin Dishes: Spicy Ci Pumpkin with Bacon

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 taub dag (li 1-1½ kg);
  • 1 tablespoon coriander noob
  • av chili - mus saj;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 4 cloves qej;
  • 4-6 sprigs ntawm rosemary;
  • 6 slices ntawm smoked nqaij npuas kib;
  • 1 tablespoon txiv roj roj

Kev npaj

Txiav lub taub dag nyob rau hauv ib nrab thiab tshem tawm cov noob. Tom qab ntawd txiav nws mus rau hauv nyias nyias slices. Lawv yuav tsum yog hais txog qhov loj me.

Muab lub taub dag tso rau ntawm daim ntawv ci. Sprinkle nrog chili hmoov, ntsev thiab kua txob. Ntxiv qej, peeled thiab crushed nrog lub tiaj tiaj ntawm ib rab riam, rosemary thiab nqaij npuas kib.

Ncuav roj tshaj tag nrho cov khoom xyaw thiab sib tov kom huv si. Muab cov nqaij npuas kib rau saum lub taub dag. Ci ntawm 200 ° C rau li 30 feeb kom txog thaum lub taub dag yog kev sib tw.

4 yooj yim thiab noj qab nyob zoo taub taub tais diav →

8. Bruschetta nrog taub dag thiab tshis cheese

Pumpkin tais: Bruschetta nrog taub dag thiab tshis cheese
Pumpkin tais: Bruschetta nrog taub dag thiab tshis cheese

Cov khoom xyaw

  • 1 me taub
  • 6 cloves qej;
  • 3 sprigs ntawm sage;
  • ob peb tablespoons roj txiv roj;
  • av chili - mus saj;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • 1 khob baguette;
  • 125 g cheese tshis.

Kev npaj

Tshem cov noob ntawm taub dag thiab txiav rau hauv ob peb daim. Tev lub unpeeled qej cloves nrog rau sab tiaj tus ntawm riam.

Muab taub dag, qej thiab qee cov sage nplooj rau ntawm daim ntawv ci. Drizzle nrog ib co roj, sprinkle nrog chili hmoov, ntsev thiab kua txob thiab sib tov zoo.

Ci lub taub dag ntawm 200 ° C rau 35-40 feeb kom txog thaum Golden xim av thiab mos. Tshem lub taub dag los ntawm qhov cub thiab txias.

Lub caij no, txiav lub baguette rau hauv slices thiab Fry nyob rau hauv ib tug preheated skillet rau txog ib feeb ntawm txhua sab. Tom qab ntawd rub lub khob cij nrog ci qej.

Siv ib rab diav los cais cov taub dag ntawm daim tawv nqaij thiab maj mam mash nrog rab rawg. Muab lub taub dag puree, cheese thiab sage nplooj rau ntawm lub khob cij thiab drizzle nrog butter.

8 thawj kub qhaub cij los ntawm renowned kws ua zaub mov →

9. Pumpkin muffins nrog tsev cheese, kua txob thiab noob

Delicious pumpkin tais: Pumpkin muffins nrog tsev cheese, chili thiab noob
Delicious pumpkin tais: Pumpkin muffins nrog tsev cheese, chili thiab noob

Cov khoom xyaw rau 12 muffins

  • 600 g ntawm taub dag pulp;
  • ob peb feathers ntawm ntsuab dos;
  • 1-2 liab kua txob;
  • 250 g hmoov nplej;
  • ib pinch ntawm ntsev;
  • 2 teaspoons ci hmoov
  • 6 qe;
  • 3 tablespoons granular tsev cheese;
  • 50 g parmesan;
  • ntsev mus saj;
  • av kua txob dub - mus saj;
  • ib co txiv roj roj;
  • 1 tablespoon shelled sunflower noob
  • 1 tablespoon ntawm poppy noob.

Kev npaj

Grate lub taub dag ntawm ib coarse grater. Chop lub dos thiab kua txob thinly. Muab cov hmoov nplej, ntsev thiab ci hmoov.

Ntxiv dos, ib nrab chili, qe, tsev cheese, hmoov sib tov, yuav luag tag nrho cov grated parmesan, ntsev thiab kua txob dub rau lub taub dag. Do kom txog thaum tus.

Kab txhua qhov kab noj hniav ntawm muffin ci phaj nrog parchment thiab txhuam nrog roj. Faib lub khob noom cookie rau hauv cov duab, sprinkle nrog noob, tshuav chili thiab Parmesan. Ci 35-40 feeb ntawm 180 ° C kom txog thaum Golden xim av.

Qe muffins: ib daim ntawv qhia rau cov neeg uas nkees ntawm scrambled qe →

10. Pumpkin muffins nrog txiv ntseej thiab citrus glaze

Delicious pumpkin tais: Pumpkin muffins nrog txiv ntseej thiab citrus icing
Delicious pumpkin tais: Pumpkin muffins nrog txiv ntseej thiab citrus icing

Cov khoom xyaw rau 12 muffins

  • 400 g ntawm peeled taub dag;
  • 350 g suab thaj;
  • 4 qe;
  • ib pinch ntawm ntsev;
  • 300 g hmoov nplej;
  • 2 ½ teaspoon ci hmoov
  • ib tug puv tes ntawm walnuts;
  • 1 teaspoon av cinnamon
  • 175 ml yog ';
  • 1 vanilla pod;
  • 1 mandarin;
  • 1 txiv qaub;
  • 140 g ntawm qaub cream;
  • 2 ½ tablespoon suab thaj;
  • lavender petals - xaiv tau.

Kev npaj

Grind lub taub dag nyob rau hauv ib tug blender. Ntxiv qab zib, qe, ntsev, hmoov nplej, ci hmoov, txiv ntseej, cinnamon thiab txiv roj roj thiab tuav kom huv si.

Faib lub resulting khob noom cookie rau ntawm daim ntawv tins (thawj muab tso rau hauv lub grooves ntawm lub muffin ci tais) thiab muab tso rau hauv qhov cub preheated rau 180 ° C rau 20-25 feeb. Txheeb xyuas qhov ua tiav nrog tus pas txhuam hniav: nws yuav tsum tawm ntawm cov muffins huv si.

Txiav lub vanilla pod lengthwise thiab tshem tawm cov noob. Muab tag nrho cov grated tangerine zest, grated txiv qaub zest, kua txiv ntawm ib nrab ib tug txiv qaub, qaub cream, icing qab zib thiab vanilla noob kom txog thaum tus.

Thaum cov muffins txias, muab cov icing tso rau hauv lub tub yees. Tom qab ntawd txhuam cov cupcakes nrog nws thiab nphoo nrog cov seem grated tangerine zest thiab lavender petals.

Yuav Ua Li Cas Ua Tau Zoo Pumpkin Muffins →

Pom zoo: